Current Situational Analysis

The situation analysis developed in the framework of the DIVERSE project consisted in conducting surveys and focus groups with teachers, principals and educational stakeholders in each of the participating countries, with special emphasis on multicultural schools and refugee/migrant/minority groups (RMM).
The objective of this study is to understand the needs of European schools with significant percentages of RMM children, the challenges of their teachers, the strategies they follow to deal with diversity in the classrooms, and also to know if they have experience in the methods that this project proposes: Drama in Education, Fairy Tales and Digital Storytelling.
We also added an extra objective (due to the world situation with COVID-19): to know how the teachers’ experience has been during the confinement, and if e-learning worked well with the RMM children and their families.
The purpose the analysis is that once we know all this information, we can adapt the methods of the DIVERSE project to be more effective in the different contexts where the project is developed. This document is structured as follows: there is a first part with the global data on participation in the study; then each of the questions in the questionnaire is analysed (comparing between countries); in the next section the conclusions of the focus groups are summarised; and finally, the last section contains general conclusions and relevant reflections for the project.

Download here the Current Situational Analysis

Download here the Annexes of the Current Situational Analysis